- Masuyama, A., Kubo, T., Shinkawa, H., & Sugawara, D.
(In press).
The roles of trait and process resilience in relation of BIS/BAS and depressive symptoms among adolescents
Peer J.
article link
- Kubo, T., Masuyama, A., Shinkawa, H., & Sugawara, D. (2022).
Impact of a Single School-Based Intervention for COVID-19 on Improving Mental Health
Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry.
article link
- Sugawara, D., Chishima, Y., Kubo, T., ... Masuyama, A.,
...Tee, E. (2022).
Mental health and psychological resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic: A cross-cultural comparison of Japan, Malaysia, China, and the US
Journal of Affective Disorders.
article link
- Sugawara, D., Gu, Y., Masuyama, A., ... & Tee, E. (2021).
RE-COVER project: A survey on resilience, mental health, and fear of Covid-19 in four countries.
BMC Research Note.
article link
- Masuyama, A., Sugawara, D., ... & Isralowitz, R. (2021).
Japan and Thailand: A Cross National Comparison of COVID 19 Impact on University Student Health and Well-Being
Journal of Loss and Trauma.
article link
- Sugawara, D., & Masuyama, A., Reznik, A., & Isralowitz, R. (2021).
Japanese “help profession” students: COVID-19 fear associated with mental health, substance use and resilence.
Journal of Loss and Trauma.
article link
- Kubo, T., Sugawara, D., & Masuyama, A. (2021).
The effect of passion for activities on fear of COVID-19 and mental health among the Japanese population.
Personality and Individual Differences.
article link
- Saire, E. C. & Masuyama, A. (2021).
How Japanese citizens faced the COVID-19 pandemic?: Exploration from twitter.
PsyArXiv Preprint.
preprint link
- Masuyama, A., Kubo, T., Sugawara, D., & Chishima, Y.(2021).
Interest consistency can buffer the effect of COVID-19 fear on psychological distress.
International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction.
article link
- Sugawara, D., Chishima, Y., Kubo, T., Shah, R.I.A.B.R.,
Phoo, E.Y.M., Ng, S.L., Masuyama, A., Gu, Y., & Tee, E. YJ. (2021).
Mental Health and Psychological Resilience During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Cross- Cultural Comparison of Japan, Malaysia, China, and the U.S
Lancet Preprints.
preprint link
- Lin, CY., Hou, WL., Mamun, M., ..., Masuyama, A., ... & Pakpour, A. H. (2021).
Fear of COVID-19 Scale (FCV-19S) across countries: Measurement invariance issues.
Nursing Open.
article link
- Kubo, T., Masuyama, A., Shinkawa, H., & Sugawara, D.(2020).
Impact of a Single School-Based Intervention for COVID-19 on Improving Mental Health.
preprint link
- Sugawara, D., Masuyama, A., Kubo, T. (2021).
Socioeconomic impacts of the COVID-19 lockdown on the mental health and life satisfaction of the japanese population.
International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction.
in press...
- Kubo, T., Sugawara, D., & Masuyama, A. (2021).
The effect of ego-resiliency and COVID-19-related stress on mental health among the Japanese population.
Personality and Individual Differences.
article link
- Masuyama, A., Shinkawa, H., & Kubo, T. (2020).
Validation and Psychometric Properties of the Japanese Version of the Fear of COVID-19 Scale Among Adolescents.
International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction.
article link
- 菅原大地・増山晃大・福井晴那・能渡綾菜・水野雅之・松本昇 (2020).
Process-Based Therapy―認知行動療法の新たな展開―
- Nishimura, H., Hasegawa, A., Nishiguchi, Y., ..., Masuyama, A., et al. (2020).
Relationship between rumination and imbalanced working memory: Analysis at the latent variable and individual tasks levels.
Current Psychology.
article link
- Masuyama, A. & Mochizuki, S. (2018).
Induced sad mood affects context processing in cognitive control in mildly depressive undergraduates.
Current Psychology.
article link
- Masuyama, A., Kaise, Y., Sakano, Y., & Mochizuki, S. (2018).
The interference of negative emotional stimuli on context processing in mildly depressed undergraduates.
Cogent Psychology, Vol. 5, 1424681.
article link
- 増山晃大・望月 聡. (2017).
筑波大学心理学研究, 54, 109-115.
日本健康心理学会第33回大会 (東北学院大学; オンライン) 2020年11月
Matsumoto, N., Nishimura, H., Nishiguchi, Y., ..., Masuyama, A., et al.
Overgeneral autobiographical memory is selectively associated with updating function of executive control.
Psychonomic Society 61th Annual Meeting (online). September, 2020.
中村和彦, 板垣俊太郎, 辻井正次, 桝屋二郎, 増山晃大, 中山 浩
福島県における震災後の子どもたちのこころの支援 (シンポジウム;話題提供)
第116回日本精神神経学会学術総会 (福島県立大学; オンライン) 2020年9月
難治性うつ病に対するCompassionate Mind Trainigのパイロットランダム化比較試験
第19回日本認知療法・認知行動療法学会(国際医療福祉大学) 2019年8月
新川広樹,田山 淳,入江智也,増山晃大,富家直明.
日本カウンセリング学会第52回大会(北海道医療大学・北海学園大学) 2019年8月
- Masuyama, A. & Mochizuki, S.
Testing the internal pathway of cognitive control in depression with adopting Dual Mechanism of Control framework.
9th World Congress of Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies (CityCube Berlin), Germany, July, 2019.
- Nishimura, H., Hasegawa, A., Nishiguchi, Y., Tabuchi, R., Masuyama, A., Mastumoto, N., & Mochizuki, S.
Differential effects of working memory updating and attentional control on rumination.
9th World Congress of Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies (CityCube Berlin), Germany, July, 2019.
- 岡本洋子,浅野憲一,伊里綾子,泉水紀彦,増山晃大,土屋政雄,清水栄司.
第10回不安小学会学術大会(早稲田大学) 2018年3月
- Masuyama, A. & Mochizuki, S.
Do conflict and switching effect toward negative stimulus relate to depressive symptoms?
International Society for Research on Emotion 2017 (Crown Plaza Hotel), United States,
July, 2017.
- Masuyama, A. & Mochizuki, S.
Relationships between depression, reactive control and inhibition toward negative stimuli.
The 31st International Congress of Psychology (Pacifico Yokohama), Japan, September, 2017.
- Isato, A., Nishimura, H., Matsumoto, N., & Masuyama, A.
Attentional biases to sad stimuli in dysphoric individuals undergoing depressive mood induction
The 31st International Congress of Psychology (Pacifico Yokohama), Japan, September, 2017.
- Masuyama, A. & Mochizuki, S.
Does negative affect modulate cognitive control in individuals with depressive symptoms?
International congress for Europe Association for Behavioral Cognitive Therapy
(International Conference Center), Israel, September, 2015.
- 増山晃大・沼田恵太郎
日本心理学会第79回大会(名古屋国際会議場) 2015年9月
- Kaise, Y., Masuyama, A., & Sakano, Y.
Attentional bias in SNS addicted individuals.
International Society of Addiction Medicine (Pacifico Yokohama), Japan, September, 2014.
- 廣中直行,若林真衣子,木戸盛年,三原聡子,高橋伸彰,増山晃大
依存・嗜癖問題における心理学的研究の諸相 (シンポジウム;指定討論)
日本心理学会第77回大会(北海道医療大学) 2013年9月
- 増山晃大,横光健吾,坂野雄二
日本心理学会第77回大会(北海道医療大学) 2013年9月
- Masuyama, A., Hanada, Y., & Sakano, Y.
The effect of death attitude on suicidal ideation.
The 3rd Asian Cognitive Behavior Therapy Conference, (Seoul University), Korea, July, 2011.
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- いわきヒューマンカレッジ実践心理学部 講師
- 福島県子どものこころのサポートチーム協議会 講師
2019年1月, 5月,2020年5月,2021年1月
- いわき市教育委員会 大学生版「いわき志塾」講師
2019年4月, 2018年11月, 2018年7月
- 福島県立修明高等学校鮫川校 いじめ防止講話 講師
- いわき市教育委員会 小中一貫教育推進会議 講師
- 茨城県精神保健福祉士会研修会 講師
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